Getting Started with Ycode

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To use the Ycode API, you'll need an API token for Ycode project you'd like to use the API for.

Tokens allow you to connect your project to other tools like Airtable integration, apps available through Zapier and Ycode API.

To create a token, simply navigate to the project settings and click on the API Tokens tab.

Once you are on the Tokens page, click the "Add API token" button to generate a fresh token. Assign a name to the token. You can now use this token information to authenticate your project with any other tool you wish to connect it to.

It is essential to take measures to protect tokens and not share them with unauthorized third parties to view them.

If a token needs to be edited, paused, or removed, simply go to the Tokens page and click the three dots button next to the related token.

Various options should then appear in the dropdown window that can be chosen.